More people are working remotely today than ever before. But the question is are we working remotely effectively?

The enhanced ability to communicate and operate has in many ways created an always-on, always-available expectation, we understand that this can be mentally taxing and as a result, we at Cybertrom have set some ground rules to get remote work culture done right.

  1. Established some expectations and guidelines.
  2. Built an Events Calendar
  3. Daily Hurdles

We also encouraged our employees to “initiate a top tasks list” as one can keep a work schedule to a reasonable amount of hours, avoid overworking themselves and finish off a considerable amount of work.

Working Remotely In The Current Crisis

Our remote work culture, we face the same challenges as most of the other companies do, for example;

  • Ensuring a healthy work-life balance
  • Disrupted power supply
  • Working with a slow internet connection
work from home

We asked some of our employees what rules they set for themselves in order to make their day productive as some struggled with the separation of work and home life.

Here’s what we got:

  1. Have a start and end to your day
  2. Have a dedicated desk area
  3. Keep your desk area clean and clutter-free
  4. Plan every minute of your day
The Tools We Use To Help Build A Strong Work From Home Culture
google workspace

Google Workspace makes communication easy and fosters collaboration


Clockify helps us track how long each task takes to complete


To set clear expectations of the tasks and how to get them done


For version controlling of the code

Some of us have also realized how important it is to have basic communication skills as most of the communication happens via the written form and not spoken. Effective communication can impact a team’s effectiveness and productivity. Team members who communicate effectively do their tasks better and more efficiently.

It is advisable that teams that are working from home over-communicate as much as possible as most of the nuances of human speech are lost in written communication. Over-communication lessens the likelihood of miscommunication.

We think remote work culture is important because it primes the company for future success. We can already see the impact the coronavirus crisis is having on the way companies do business.

We believe that productive and successful team cultures do not have to disappear when the team is working remotely. You have to make culture visible by calling it out which is often obscured by the mundane day-to-day happenings.

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