
Alderwood Education works with tutors to provide specialized and personalized tutoring services to students.

We built a system that automates most of their administrative tasks by recording the lessons provided by the tutor and generating timely invoices. The system was developed using PHP and Laravel 8 framework.

  • 2020
  • Alderwood Education
  • PHP
  • Laravel 8
  • Custom Web Application

Features of Alderwood Accounting System

  • Automated email notifications
  • Send the notifications to clients on WhatsApp
  • Event based architecture
  • Asynchronous batched background processing for heavy computations
  • Tutors and third parties can record their expenses
  • Customised admin panel which allows full control over the application
  • Multiple admin accounts with roles
  • Generation of monthly invoices
Alderwood Education dashboard
Alderwood dashboard

Technology Stack

Process Planning and Workflow Design

Process planning and workflow design is at the heart of any successful project. We at Cybertrom strongly believe in rigorous process planning to achieve optimised workflows best suited for your business. We use Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN), a graphical tool to represent and optimise business processes and generate a Business Process Diagram (BPD) which forms the template of the entire project. BPMN allows us to accurately describe events, activities, gateways and connections to paint the real life picture and determine the shape the project is going to take. This also helps minimise the communication errors between you and the developers.

Alderwood Education service records

UI/UX Design

After carefully planning the processes in the application, we research and design digital interfaces that accurately convert your requirements into products that people love to use. We are aware of the challenges faced in building informative admin interfaces that allow control and accurately relay information to the business owners about the performance of their product. Our designs incorporate all the nuances we pick up in the requirements phase with detailed exploration of the product with our clients.

Bringing Ideas To Reality


Our team consists of Software architects, Full stack developers, Backend engineers and front end engineers that bring the product you envisaged into life. Every team has at least one of our experienced leaders who (guides the project to success) make sure that the project always stays on track and tackles any potential difficulties in the early stages of the project. This personal ownership of the project is responsible for our high success rate with happy clients who love to work with us over and over again.

Alderwood Education tutor

Quality Assurance and Testing

With the definition of every requirement, we create user stories and generate all the possible test cases for each module of the project. Each module is tested against every test case before release of the project. Our projects have seeding functionality that allow creating dynamic testing environments with suitable data. We have an automated testing suite included in our projects where we add the unit test cases which need to be passed before every release. This is included in the deployment process. Our team of QA testers also test the product in various stages of development. Each release is preceded by a pre-production environment testing and succeeded by testing it in the production environment.



We create dynamic development environments using AWS elasticbeanstalk while hosting our production environment on ECS. We have health checks to monitor the state of the application. The queue workers are managed by supervisord. Every event is broadcasted on SQS and asynchronous listeners perform operations in the background. Our applications are auto-scalable and use redis cache for collaborating across all nodes.

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